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Reverse Manhattan

Reverse Manhattan

The Manhattan- a simple cocktail made from just three ingredients; Bourbon or Rye and sweet vermouth to a ratio of 2:1, with a dash of Angostura bitters.

It's a delicious cocktail, and perfect for these cold Autumn nights- but let's be honest, not all people want something so...boozy!

So we'd like to introduce you to the Reverse Manhattan. It's created by using the nifty little trick of flipping the ratio.

Yep, it's that simple. Two parts sweet vermouth to one part bourbon results in a cocktail that’s lighter in body and alcohol- think more aperitivo than “whiskey and cigars."

Oh, and always garnish with a cocktail cherry, you won't regret it. 



50ml decent Bourbon or Rye (we used Woodford Reserve)

25ml Sweet Vermouth (such as Martini Fiero)

Dash of Angostura Bitters

Orange Zest

Cocktail cherry and orange zest to garnish



In a mixing glass stir all the ingredients with ice for a few seconds to dilute.

Strain into a chilled martini glass.

Garnish with orange zest (rub it around the rim and drop it in the glass) and add a cocktail cherry.

If you need cocktail equipment, see our range. 

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