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Most Popular Post-Restriction Cocktails

We almost can’t believe it... but the restrictions are almost over (fingers crossed). After the horrendous year we’ve had, we all deserve a cocktail or two ASAP!

We were left wondering what peoples’ go-to’s would be after lockdown, so we ran a little survey of friends and family to see which cocktail they’re gasping for.

Check out some of the answers below!

“All I want is a minty, refreshing mojito that I haven’t attempted to make myself!” We couldn’t agree more!

Although by now we’re all acting like professional mixologists. A result of being stuck at home and watching far too many Youtube videos! 

“A nice, strong Negroni.”
Nothing like slipping onto a bar stool on a Friday evening and having a Negroni slid into your hand by your favourite bartender! Equally, quite delicious on a warm afternoon in your recently decked out garden. negronis are especially great as you can really play around with your favourite gins- as well as some of the delicious vermouth on the market.

Don't forget the negroni actually contains very little sugar, and is one of the lower calorie options of classic cocktails out there. No cheap fruit juices here, thank you very much! Just pure booze....

It doesn’t get much simpler - equal parts gin, Campari, and sweet vermouth.

“About six Porn Star Martinis!”
I’m sure you’re not alone on this one! The Porn Star Martini is the UK's most popular drink at the moment (in the USA it's the margarita). Passionfruit puree, passionfruit liqueur, and a healthy shot of vodka make up the drink that everyone loves - even those who claim not to! You'll see a variety of recipes out there too; some mix with apple juice to cut through the viscosity. Others mix with pineapple to give it a thicker foam and more tropical taste. How do you like yours?

“Just a good daiquiri.”
Ah, the bartender’s favourite. We love a good daiquiri ourselves too - so simple, but completely timeless and so drinkable as well!

A daiquiri is like a mojito, without the ice and soda. Rum, lime, and sugar - what else could you possibly wish for?

“All the Aperol Spritzes.”
Everyone’s favourite summer drink. Bubbly, fresh, ever so slightly bitter, there really is no better drink to indicate British summer than the Aperol Spritz.

Here in the UK tastebuds have changed significantly over the years- with people like less sugar and more bitter drinks- and even in the USA, where sugar levels consumed per person are higher- there has been a recent trend to more bitter flavours. Seems the Aperol Spritz is a classic that's here to stay!

Cocktails are brilliant, of course, but more than anything, we’re looking forward to the socialisation again. Lockdown has been hard for us all, unable to see our loved ones, and being in a crowded room again can’t come soon enough! We also asked people to name a few environments that they’re desperate to get back to. Here’s what they said:

  •   “Somehow, my messy back garden doesn’t cut it, so I’m raving to be back at a festival swotting away flies.”
    There isn’t anything else like that feeling, is there?

  •   “Dying to be dancing on a bartop in Soho again!”
    We know a fair few places that encourage that kind of behaviour... We’ll see you there!

  •   “I can’t wait to be seated at the bar in a cosy, intimate basement bar with my partner sampling a bunch of new cocktails!”
    Doesn’t this sound fantastic? A quiet, darkened bar with a bartender who seems like he knows everything about everything, and a brand new cocktail you’ve never tried before.

We couldn’t agree more with your responses! See you at that festival yeah?

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