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Peach Kombucha Mojito

Whether you are a drinker or not, there's always a time where you over-indulge. Whether it's food, drink, or both!

It's times like this where your gut health naturally takes a back-seat, but it doesn't always have to.

We've been browsing the isles of our local Holland & Barrett every now and then and finding some incredible 'gut-healthy' elixirs which add delicious twists to classic cocktails.

Lime Juice

And so we bring to you, the Peach Kombucha Mojito. Simply made, refreshing and bloody perfect for hols on the beach...whether that be Barbados, or Costa del Norfolk. 

We also aren't fans of overly sweet cocktails, and actually prefer this without any added sweeteners or sugar. You can easily add a touch to suit your palate, but we recommend trying it without. The peach kombucha gives it a really nice kick.

White rum from CornwallCape Cornwall Rum Company


Recipe for 4 on the beach....

Prep at home:

Juice 2 whole limes and add to a bottle with 200ml of a good quality white rum.

Bring two handfuls of washed garden mint.

Bring a bag of ice, a jug, and 4 glasses.

If you're feeling fancy, thinly slice some lime wheels.

Don't forget your kombucha! We like the Remedy Peach Kombucha, available from Waitrose, H&B or online

Remedy Drinks KombuchaRemedy Drinks Kombucha


Rip your mint leaves, give them a smack (this releases the flavour) and pop them into the bottom of each glass.

Equally divide the rum and lime between each glass, giving around 75ml liquid per glass.

Top each glass with a handful of ice. Crushed is better if at home, but on a beach or picnic, small cubes are fine.

Fill to the top with the peach kombucha.

Serve with lime wheels and a paper straw, to mix the ingredients. Alternatively mix before distributing with a little spoon.


Ta-da! Gut friendly, fun cocktails. Enjoy!

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