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Lower-Calorie Spirits

Let’s be frank - it’s hard to be super healthy all the time. It’s especially hard to be super healthy if you’re super into cocktails or spirits in general; we all know that alcohol isn’t the healthiest option! Not to mention that cocktails are often loaded with sugar and alcohol dehydrates. But not all spirits are created equal. We’ve put together a list of some of the ‘healthier’ spirits, those that are low calorie, out there so that the next time you’re on a night out (which is hopefully soon), you can stay on top of that guilt by choosing wisely!


1. Red wine

Whilst this isn't low calorie, red wine certainly has its health benefits. This shouldn’t be news, really. The potential health benefits of red wine have often been touted by scientists and medical professionals. Red wine contains antioxidants and polyphenols, both of which can be better for overall health. Antioxidants help protect your cells from harm while polyphenols can help promote a healthy heart. Research has also demonstrated that red wine can help with blood pressure and bone density. It’s also a good idea to stick to natural wines, which have fewer additives.

2. Prosecco

Come again? It can’t be! Hell yes- a low calorie alternative to white wine? Winner.

We’re not kidding. Again, this doesn’t mean that we’re telling you to go down a bottle of Prosecco by yourself right now. But it is much lower in calories than a sugary cocktail, clocking in at about 70 calories per 100ml. If you drink just the bubbly stuff on its own, you may avoid the sugar hangover that comes from a few Porn Star martinis.


3. Tequila or mezcal

A low calorie spirit for sure, but what about the health benefits?

Okay, this one is a bit of a stretch, but hear us out. There is some research being done that currently suggests that consuming agave can improve bone health. But that research is still pretty far off- and probably doesn't compensate for this hangovers when you end up doing shots of cheap tequila at the end of the night.

What we do know about tequila is that it’s a clear liquor, which makes it lower in calories and one of the easiest spirits for your body to metabolize. Even better, go for some mezcal, which generally contains less sugar than tequila- and even better, go for a good quality version. The difference is amazing.


4. Vodka

If you don’t fancy wine or bubbles but still want to watch your calories, a vodka soda lime is probably your best bet. Water is good for you, citrus is good for you, and again, as a clear liquor, vodka is easier for your body to metabolize and has less sugar, additives, and calories than most other spirits. Not to mention that supplementing your drinking with water is one of the best ways to make sure that you stay hydrated and can curb the hangover the next day.

Vodka is one of the lowest calorie options out there in the spirit world.

Of course, the healthiest way to treat yourself isto drink in moderation! While all the spirits named above may be ‘healthier’ than others, that doesn’t mean that a bottle of wine every night is a one-way ticket to being healthy! These are just our few tips on how best to stay on top of your calories and sugar consumption on your next night out. And after all, don’t we all deserve a few nights out after the year we’ve had?!

By Nadia Barbar

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