Well, we're doing what Brits do best- carrying on the celebrations despite being completely rained off!
Whether you love the royal family or not, we can all appreciate a bank holiday and any excuse for a celebration.
We've got some beautiful rosé in the fridge, so have decided to serve up these frosé's with the most amazing strawberries from a local farm.
The recipe is super easy and guaranteed to make a great impression, should anyone be stopping by today! It certainly beats a regular glass of wine- and if you do the first part now, it will have plenty of time to freeze.
Frosé (frozen rosé)
1 x bottle of a light rosé (we had this lovely Provence from Waitrose)
80ml fresh lemon juice (about 2 lemons)
100g raw unrefined organic cane sugar
125ml water
1 punnet of strawberries (preferably locally picked!)
Strawberries from our local Sharrington Farm
Recipe- make around 5 hours before serving
1. Pour the rosé into a shallow dish and pop in the freezer.
2. Whilst this is freezing, you can make a strawberry syrup. Dissolve the sugar in a pan of water on low heat. Once it has dissolved you can add your washed and de-stemmed strawberries.
3. Remove from the heat and let them soak for 30 mins- 1 hour until cool.
4. Strain through a fine sieve into a bowl or glass jar, cover and pop in the fridge.
5. 30 mins minimum before you want to serve, pop your rosé 'slushy' into a blender. Add the strawberry syrup, the lemon juice and blend! Now pop it back into the freezer until you're ready to serve.
(You can do the above steps in advance- as much as a week or two if it's kept in the freezer).
6. Once you're ready to serve, pop everything back into the blender and blend. Divide amongst glasses, garnish with some lemon zest or mint and serve up.
*We love a light rosé but you can use any style in this drink. Go for what style you prefer.
**We chose to use actual sugar in this (as a treat!) You can however muddle the strawberries and simply use 3-4 drops of stevia. It creates the right amount of citrus, but our drink ended up having visible bits of strawberry in it. We preferred the above recipe.
Frosé (or frozen rosé)