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Avo-Piña Colada

Hold on. Before you judge, just think about it. 

Avocado makes a delicious addition to a smoothie, so why not add it to a "smoothie" with pineapple, coconut and just a little shot of rum?

Before we go to the recipe, let's talk about the Classic Piña Colada. 

Usually made with rum, pineapple juice, cream of coconut, lime and a dash of single cream (or half-and-half), it's not exactly healthy. And that's without the extra sugar syrup that many of the 'cheaper' versions contain. 

Pina Colada

But there are so many ways of making this cocktail healthier, less sugary and dare we say actually beneficial! 

If you're making a Piña Colada at home, why not use fresh pineapple for the juice, or even frozen pineapple chunks (available from most supermarkets).

Ditch the cream and the cream of coconut for healthier coconut milk (no added sugars). And of course, you can leave out the rum for a delicious non-alcoholic version.

And so....we bring you to our recipe of choice. The Avo-Piña Colada.

Avocado Pina Colada

Made with a hefty portion of frozen pineapple chunks, fresh avocado, fresh lime and coconut milk, it's an excellent source of potassium, vitamins, folate and fibre, can help with digestion, is immune-boosting...well the list just goes on. 

And if you choose to add a little shot of rum for some 'healthier cocktails, then who are we to stop you!


Recipe (for 2 glasses):

  • 3 cups frozen pineapple or pineapple chunks frozen ahead of time
  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 1 cup coconut milk (with no added sugars if possible)
  • 1 lime (for juicing)
  • 100ml quality white rum


Add all of the ingredients to a blender. Simple!

If you want the smoothie to be thinner in consistency, simply add more coconut milk. 

Garnish with a handful of coconut chips and pistachios, and if you are feeling fancy, maybe a scoop of coconut sorbet.

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